किराँत सुनुवार सेवा समाज, बेलायत

Social harmony for a prosperous society.
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About Sunuwar Education Fund


The Sunuwar Education Fund, Kirant Sunuwar Welfare Society the United Kingdom (KSWS UK) has formed a part of sub-committee (Chairperson Mr. Bhakataman Sunuwar) to raise money to help the Sunuwar community in Nepal those who are fall behind. Sunuwars, an ethnic minority of indigenous caste group are primarily inhibited in the central eastern hilly region of Nepal. According to Wikipedia (Encyclopaedia), the population of Sunuwars is nearly 100,000. Among them, there are a small number of Sunuwars migrated from the region to other parts of the country and overseas in search of better life, jobs, and social reasons.

Sunuwars living in the region are mainly dependant on agricultural and animal farming. Although these are not making ends meets for all and they must rely on each other’s self-helps and support from the friends and relatives who have employed nationally and internationally. Nevertheless, this is a unique part of the cohesion and co-operation but the fact of the lifestyle exists in the poverty that has never gone away. It is surely natural geographical features that have limited the space for inhabitation and cultivation, political instability for the past few decades and proper logistical inaccessibility. More importantly, it is realized that the lack of education and some existing cultural malpractices are leading to negative habits. Although some young generations managed to complete their high school level education (SLC in Nepal and GCSE in the UK) and restricted themselves to go further and beyond because of the financial situation where it develops their psychological aspirations to go abroad for work (as we did in the past) but the opportunity will not be for everyone’s side. The ambition for those majority of young people to go abroad or another field of work, diminish itself and go back to the square one where they cannot progress further. Central Bureau of Statistics of Nepal (2014) shows that the literacy rate for Sunuwar ethnic group is 65.6% which gives some degree of assurance but it is only limited to read and write letter culture of literacy where the majority of Sunuwars are not able to gain the academic qualification. There are a very low number of Sunuwars have gone to university higher education because of their arduous work. 

Sunuwars are rich in their cultures, traditions and its own language which has the profound bond, pride, and respects each other. This shows the annual (during May) celebration of Sunuwar ‘Syadar Pidar’ festival where people are gathered to be united with friends, families, and relatives with their traditional Sunuwar costumes. We celebrate the ‘Syadar Pidar’ festival, worship and share the joy of festivity together by forgetting the pain and difficulty for the day at least. Although the human nature, by contrast, invites self-contradiction and falling apart by not coming to the term of understanding. Sunuwars ‘we’ by nature express their(our) superiority and egoism rather than solidarity creating divisions and instability amongst each other. Van Wyck Brooks says that “The People of small caliber are always carping. They are bent on showing their own superiority, their knowledge or prowess or good breeding.” These are all about lack of education and misunderstanding of the society where it needs to change and develop. We are living in the society where we need friendship, company, welfare and everlasting relation to give continuity of our ‘Sunuwarism’. The culture of unhealthy habits also part of the contributing factors that Sunuwars are not moving forward. To include the unhealthy habits, it is essential to point out that there is a culture of alcohol consumption in premature age and smoking habit, poor school attendance due to seasonal workload i.e. cultivation season, and not realizing the root causes of why we fall behind, instead of depending on to others say. It is necessary to understand and educate ourselves avoiding macho culture for the sake of our future generation until it continues. 

The post-earthquake (2015) left behind the legacy of poverty and making more difficult to adjust work and life balance. As we are living in abroad have some moral responsibility (if we understandably agree with) for the society by far the best in every angle but not the rich enough by ourselves, to achieve some hopes of our Sunuwars living in the rural village of Nepal giving some small regular donation is certainly affordable by everyone. We need to develop our cohesion and cooperativeness amongst us believing ourselves by not predicting that we cannot do this fundraising as this could end up going into someone’s’ pocket. Positive thinking, motivation, and believing ourselves develop our strength to prosper our society further. The way we do not need to knock on others door to be recognized our identity and culture. It flourishes itself slowly when we develop ourselves through education and support each other. 


1. Education is only a key instrumental tool to develop our society. The initial stage of fund management relies on the development of young talented people who are unable to go to higher education by creating in the form of scholarship depending on their financial capacity within Sunuwar students. This way they can contribute to the society hoping to change the mindset of these young people to go abroad for work. 

2. To build a strong relationship within Sunuwars and push to the talented people forward to occupy a position in government and private sector and develop from there so that they can convey a strong dialogue by taking part in political, social activities in the society and technical field. 

3. To change cultural malpractices that are bad for the society, and encourage the young generation to go to school to complete at least their higher school education. 

4. In the long term, invest in school infrastructures and maintenance to create a better resourceful environment to attract more youngsters. In caveat, it is not only benefited for Sunuwar students but also provides facilities to other minorities. It develops strong interpersonal skills, relationship, and social integration in overall. 

Scope of Funding

1. The tuition fee in Nepal for undergraduate students vary according to the faculty but a typical average fee is £620 annually in the state-run universities which exclude medical science and other technical studies. A total of £1860 is required to complete a three-year undergraduate degree course. There are other expenses that have not been mentioned here as it depends on personal circumstances in various parts of the country. 

2. An initial stage of the fund collection has already been begun and wider publicity has been carried out through society members’ e-mail and social media. It is encouraged to donate on a regular basis via direct debit a minimum of £1 and above by not affecting our own personal circumstances. 

3. It is evident that Sunuwars living in the UK are mostly retired ex-military background, some students, and civilians and therefore an average annual earning is estimated in the region of between £20,000 and £25,000. It is typically a very tight budget to live in the UK but compared to the life in Nepal, we are still well enough to live with happy life in every angle as such lifestyle, health, and hygiene, a nice car, schooling, GPs and entertainment. 

4. If we can spare a £1 a month by 100 of us can raise £1200 a year which gives an opportunity for at least two students in a year scholarship in Nepal which means 0.002% will receive education fund out of 100,000 Sunuwars. Does it matter to us? I would say ‘yes’ it impacts on society. We should not expect quick fix solution, it is a long-term investment for the society. 

5. Another strategy is to raise money and deposit into a fixed term with higher rate interest return may give some degree of hope to save the main fund and use interest towards scholarship scheme until the sufficient fund available. 

6. Increase the connectivity through social media and sources of relatives for those Sunuwar living around the world to encourage to raise funds for education in Nepal can be challenging but it may be fruitful. 

7. If we can encourage or convince our young Sunuwar graduates based in the UK (which I think numbers are increasing) would be highly influential and beneficial not only for their personal leadership development, cultural and social understanding but also motivates to young generation of Sunuwars both here and in Nepal who are willing to pursue their career in humanity, sociology, politics, economics etc. 

8. Crowdfunding is another way of resourcing fund but it needs more ethical and constructive approach with a broader scope of funding strategy in the long term. This could help to maintain school infrastructure and resources.

Fund Management

Management is a key to success in a fairer and productive manner. Sunuwars wherever reside in Nepal and who have talents and hardworking entitles the scholarship. It is not taken for granted but it is our moral commitment to support a young talented people who can contribute to our society for further development and progression. KSWS UK has recently formed a committee under the chair of Mr. Bhaktaman Sunuwar based in the UK. All procedures are guided through “SUNUWAR SHAIKSHIK SAHAYATA KOSH NIYAMAWALI – 2017” in view of transparency and genuine identity. 


As ‘we’ Sunuwars are low in population and far behind in comparison to the other ethnic minority group in the field of education, governmental and technical field, politics, social activities, businesses and many more. It is essential to come together ourselves to make a genuine understanding for the worthy cause of our society. To make a difference in our society lies in knowledge and understanding by not making others harm. This comes through education but it does not come through heredity or any magic formula. We are poor but resilience for the sake of our unity, however, we have lack of integration with each other. A minimum of £1 monthly regular donation is a tiny drop in the ocean but it can change someone's life and it is a worthy investment for the Sunuwar society in the long term. We are proud to be a Sunuwar because we have rich traditional cultural values and sometimes it is disappointing as there are no progressive things are happening to raise our Sunuwars’ profile not only among the ethnic minority but also as a whole in Nepal. It is the right time to come together to make big difference towards the community. It is never too late to start. 

If we want to see our Sunuwar developed and be proud ourselves, then let's build up a better Sunuwar community together. Please donate to the "Sunuwar Education Fund " through the KSWS UK.

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Central Bureau of Statistics, ‘Population Monograph of Nepal 2014’ Vol 2 (Online), Available from http://cbs.gov.np/image/data/Population/Population%20Monograph%20of%20Nepal%202014/Population%20Monograph%20V02.pdf   Annex 1.3 p40

Van Wyck Brooks. BrainyQuote.com. Retrieved June 11, 2017, from BrainyQuote.com Web site: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/v/vanwyckbro393406.html

Wikipedia, Encyclopedia – ‘Sunuwar People’ 2012. (Online), Available from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sunwar_people